are not allowed to make proxied oEmbed requests.' ), array( 'status' => rest_authorization_required_code() ) ); } return true; } /** * Callback for the proxy API endpoint. * * Returns the JSON object for the proxied item. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @see WP_oEmbed::get_html() * @global WP_Embed $wp_embed WordPress Embed object. * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full data about the request. * @return object|WP_Error oEmbed response data or WP_Error on failure. */ public function get_proxy_item( $request ) { global $wp_embed, $wp_scripts; $args = $request->get_params(); // Serve oEmbed data from cache if set. unset( $args['_wpnonce'] ); $cache_key = 'oembed_' . md5( serialize( $args ) ); $data = get_transient( $cache_key ); if ( ! empty( $data ) ) { return $data; } $url = $request['url']; unset( $args['url'] ); // Copy maxwidth/maxheight to width/height since WP_oEmbed::fetch() uses these arg names. if ( isset( $args['maxwidth'] ) ) { $args['width'] = $args['maxwidth']; } if ( isset( $args['maxheight'] ) ) { $args['height'] = $args['maxheight']; } // Short-circuit process for URLs belonging to the current site. $data = get_oembed_response_data_for_url( $url, $args ); if ( $data ) { return $data; } $data = _wp_oembed_get_object()->get_data( $url, $args ); if ( false === $data ) { // Try using a classic embed, instead. /* @var WP_Embed $wp_embed */ $html = $wp_embed->get_embed_handler_html( $args, $url ); if ( $html ) { // Check if any scripts were enqueued by the shortcode, and include them in the response. $enqueued_scripts = array(); foreach ( $wp_scripts->queue as $script ) { $enqueued_scripts[] = $wp_scripts->registered[ $script ]->src; } return (object) array( 'provider_name' => __( 'Embed Handler' ), 'html' => $html, 'scripts' => $enqueued_scripts, ); } return new WP_Error( 'oembed_invalid_url', get_status_header_desc( 404 ), array( 'status' => 404 ) ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-oembed.php */ $data->html = apply_filters( 'oembed_result', _wp_oembed_get_object()->data2html( (object) $data, $url ), $url, $args ); /** * Filters the oEmbed TTL value (time to live). * * Similar to the {@see 'oembed_ttl'} filter, but for the REST API * oEmbed proxy endpoint. * * @since 4.8.0 * * @param int $time Time to live (in seconds). * @param string $url The attempted embed URL. * @param array $args An array of embed request arguments. */ $ttl = apply_filters( 'rest_oembed_ttl', DAY_IN_SECONDS, $url, $args ); set_transient( $cache_key, $data, $ttl ); return $data; } } debar( $request['id'] ); if ( $sidebar && $this->check_read_permission( $sidebar ) ) { return true; } return $this->do_permissions_check(); } /** * Checks if a sidebar can be read publicly. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @param array $sidebar The registered sidebar configuration. * @return bool Whether the side can be read. */ protected function check_read_permission( $sidebar ) { return ! empty( $sidebar['show_in_rest'] ); } /** * Retrieves one sidebar from the collection. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return WP_REST_Response|WP_Error Response object on success, or WP_Error object on failure. */ public function get_item( $request ) { $this->retrieve_widgets(); $sidebar = $this->get_sidebar( $request['id'] ); if ( ! $sidebar ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_sidebar_not_found', __( 'No sidebar exists with that id.' ), array( 'status' => 404 ) ); } return $this->prepare_item_for_response( $sidebar, $request ); } /** * Checks if a given request has access to update sidebars. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return true|WP_Error True if the request has read access, WP_Error object otherwise. */ public function update_item_permissions_check( $request ) { return $this->do_permissions_check(); } /** * Updates a sidebar. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return WP_REST_Response Response object on success, or WP_Error object on failure. */ public function update_item( $request ) { if ( isset( $request['widgets'] ) ) { $sidebars = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); foreach ( $sidebars as $sidebar_id => $widgets ) { foreach ( $widgets as $i => $widget_id ) { // This automatically removes the passed widget IDs from any other sidebars in use. if ( $sidebar_id !== $request['id'] && in_array( $widget_id, $request['widgets'], true ) ) { unset( $sidebars[ $sidebar_id ][ $i ] ); } // This automatically removes omitted widget IDs to the inactive sidebar. if ( $sidebar_id === $request['id'] && ! in_array( $widget_id, $request['widgets'], true ) ) { $sidebars['wp_inactive_widgets'][] = $widget_id; } } } $sidebars[ $request['id'] ] = $request['widgets']; wp_set_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars ); } $request['context'] = 'edit'; $sidebar = $this->get_sidebar( $request['id'] ); /** * Fires after a sidebar is updated via the REST API. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param array $sidebar The updated sidebar. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Request object. */ do_action( 'rest_save_sidebar', $sidebar, $request ); return $this->prepare_item_for_response( $sidebar, $request ); } /** * Checks if the user has permissions to make the request. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @return true|WP_Error True if the request has read access, WP_Error object otherwise. */ protected function do_permissions_check() { /* * Verify if the current user has edit_theme_options capability. * This capability is required to access the widgets screen. */ if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'rest_cannot_manage_widgets', __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to manage widgets on this site.' ), array( 'status' => rest_authorization_required_code() ) ); } return true; } /** * Retrieves the registered sidebar with the given id. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param string|int $id ID of the sidebar. * @return array|null The discovered sidebar, or null if it is not registered. */ protected function get_sidebar( $id ) { return wp_get_sidebar( $id ); } /** * Looks for "lost" widgets once per request. * * @since 5.9.0 * * @see retrieve_widgets() */ protected function retrieve_widgets() { if ( ! $this->widgets_retrieved ) { retrieve_widgets(); $this->widgets_retrieved = true; } } /** * Prepares a single sidebar output for response. * * @since 5.8.0 * @since 5.9.0 Renamed `$raw_sidebar` to `$item` to match parent class for PHP 8 named parameter support. * * @global array $wp_registered_sidebars The registered sidebars. * @global array $wp_registered_widgets The registered widgets. * * @param array $item Sidebar instance. * @param WP_REST_Request $request Full details about the request. * @return WP_REST_Response Prepared response object. */ public function prepare_item_for_response( $item, $request ) { global $wp_registered_sidebars, $wp_registered_widgets; // Restores the more descriptive, specific name for use within this method. $raw_sidebar = $item; $id = $raw_sidebar['id']; $sidebar = array( 'id' => $id ); if ( isset( $wp_registered_sidebars[ $id ] ) ) { $registered_sidebar = $wp_registered_sidebars[ $id ]; $sidebar['status'] = 'active'; $sidebar['name'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['name'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['name'] : ''; $sidebar['description'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['description'] ) ? wp_sidebar_description( $id ) : ''; $sidebar['class'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['class'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['class'] : ''; $sidebar['before_widget'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['before_widget'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['before_widget'] : ''; $sidebar['after_widget'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['after_widget'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['after_widget'] : ''; $sidebar['before_title'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['before_title'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['before_title'] : ''; $sidebar['after_title'] = isset( $registered_sidebar['after_title'] ) ? $registered_sidebar['after_title'] : ''; } else { $sidebar['status'] = 'inactive'; $sidebar['name'] = $raw_sidebar['name']; $sidebar['description'] = ''; $sidebar['class'] = ''; } if ( wp_is_block_theme() ) { $sidebar['status'] = 'inactive'; } $fields = $this->get_fields_for_response( $request ); if ( rest_is_field_included( 'widgets', $fields ) ) { $sidebars = wp_get_sidebars_widgets(); $widgets = array_filter( isset( $sidebars[ $sidebar['id'] ] ) ? $sidebars[ $sidebar['id'] ] : array(), static function ( $widget_id ) use ( $wp_registered_widgets ) { return isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $widget_id ] ); } ); $sidebar['widgets'] = array_values( $widgets ); } $schema = $this->get_item_schema(); $data = array(); foreach ( $schema['properties'] as $property_id => $property ) { if ( isset( $sidebar[ $property_id ] ) && true === rest_validate_value_from_schema( $sidebar[ $property_id ], $property ) ) { $data[ $property_id ] = $sidebar[ $property_id ]; } elseif ( isset( $property['default'] ) ) { $data[ $property_id ] = $property['default']; } } $context = ! empty( $request['context'] ) ? $request['context'] : 'view'; $data = $this->add_additional_fields_to_object( $data, $request ); $data = $this->filter_response_by_context( $data, $context ); $response = rest_ensure_response( $data ); if ( rest_is_field_included( '_links', $fields ) || rest_is_field_included( '_embedded', $fields ) ) { $response->add_links( $this->prepare_links( $sidebar ) ); } /** * Filters the REST API response for a sidebar. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param WP_REST_Response $response The response object. * @param array $raw_sidebar The raw sidebar data. * @param WP_REST_Request $request The request object. */ return apply_filters( 'rest_prepare_sidebar', $response, $raw_sidebar, $request ); } /** * Prepares links for the sidebar. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @param array $sidebar Sidebar. * @return array Links for the given widget. */ protected function prepare_links( $sidebar ) { return array( 'collection' => array( 'href' => rest_url( sprintf( '%s/%s', $this->namespace, $this->rest_base ) ), ), 'self' => array( 'href' => rest_url( sprintf( '%s/%s/%s', $this->namespace, $this->rest_base, $sidebar['id'] ) ), ), '' => array( 'href' => add_query_arg( 'sidebar', $sidebar['id'], rest_url( '/wp/v2/widgets' ) ), 'embeddable' => true, ), ); } /** * Retrieves the block type' schema, conforming to JSON Schema. * * @since 5.8.0 * * @return array Item schema data. */ public function get_item_schema() { if ( $this->schema ) { return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } $schema = array( '$schema' => '', 'title' => 'sidebar', 'type' => 'object', 'properties' => array( 'id' => array( 'description' => __( 'ID of sidebar.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'name' => array( 'description' => __( 'Unique name identifying the sidebar.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'description' => array( 'description' => __( 'Description of sidebar.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'class' => array( 'description' => __( 'Extra CSS class to assign to the sidebar in the Widgets interface.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'before_widget' => array( 'description' => __( 'HTML content to prepend to each widget\'s HTML output when assigned to this sidebar. Default is an opening list item element.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'after_widget' => array( 'description' => __( 'HTML content to append to each widget\'s HTML output when assigned to this sidebar. Default is a closing list item element.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'before_title' => array( 'description' => __( 'HTML content to prepend to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is an opening h2 element.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'after_title' => array( 'description' => __( 'HTML content to append to the sidebar title when displayed. Default is a closing h2 element.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'default' => '', 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'status' => array( 'description' => __( 'Status of sidebar.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => array( 'active', 'inactive' ), 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), 'readonly' => true, ), 'widgets' => array( 'description' => __( 'Nested widgets.' ), 'type' => 'array', 'items' => array( 'type' => array( 'object', 'string' ), ), 'default' => array(), 'context' => array( 'embed', 'view', 'edit' ), ), ), ); $this->schema = $schema; return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } } Côte d’Ivoire / Report du 8eme CE du PDCI/ Isac Adi (DC du candidat MKG) réagit: «Guikahué n’est ni de près ni de loin impliqué dans cette situation»

Côte d’Ivoire / Report du 8eme CE du PDCI/ Isac Adi (DC du candidat MKG) réagit: «Guikahué n’est ni de près ni de loin impliqué dans cette situation»

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Dans un fichier audio attribué à Radio France Internationale (RFI) et largement diffusé sur les plateformes des réseaux sociaux, l’on a tenté d’associer le nom du Pr Maurice Kakou Guikahué à cette plainte des militants du PDCI-RDA qui a conduit au report du 8eme Congrès extraordinaire qui devrait se tenir ce samedi 16 décembre 2023. Isac ADI, Directeur de campagne du candidat Maurice Kakou Guikahué fait cette précision. Son candidat n’est ni de près ni de loin impliqué dans cette situation.


Au moment où le Pr Maurice KAKOU GUIAHUE, Vice- président, Secrétaire Exécutif, Chef du Secrétariat Exécutif du PDCI- RDA, s’apprêtait à se rendre, avec sa délégation, au Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire afin de prendre part au 8ème congrès extraordinaire du PDCI- RDA, il a été informé par son équipe de protocole sur place, de la suspension dudit congrès, et ce en exécution d’une décision de justice.

Face à cette situation, des personnes ont vite fait d’attribuer cet état de fait au Professeur Maurice KAKOU GUIKAHUE.

Le Directeur de campagne du Pr Maurice KAKOU GUIKAHUE, marque sa surprise, son indignation et dément formellement ces allégations.

Le Directeur de campagne du Pr Maurice KAKOU GUIKAHUE, porte à la connaissance des militants du PDCI- RDA, de l’opinion nationale et internationale, qu’il n’est ni de près ni de loin impliqué dans cette situation.

Le Directeur de campagne du Pr Maurice KAKOU GUIKAHUE, réaffirme la position constante du Pr Maurice KAKOU GUIKAHUE, de ne jamais porter plainte contre le PDCI- RDA, telle qu’exprimée dans sa déclaration du 11 décembre 2023 et celle de son conseil juridique du 13 décembre 2023.

Fait à Abidjan, le 16 décembre 2023

Le Directeur de Campagne

Isac ADI